Coach Dee

Dee S

I was always an active kid, running around with all the boys in my neighborhood cul-de-sac. I didn't play much organized sports besides a year of cross country and soccer. I'd say my fitness journey began in college when I took run conditioning as a required PE course. This sparked a few years of recreational running, completing a bunch of 10ks and half marathons. I moved to Massachusetts in 2017 and there was a CrossFit gym across the street. I wandered in one day because I heard it was a good place to make friends. I was instantly hooked on the atmosphere, the challenge, and the community. The highlight for me has been learning that nothing is impossible with time and dedication. I didn't think I'd ever get a muscle up or learn to handstand walk, but with consistency anything is possible.

The first thing that came to mind for this question was when I was a kid and I told my parents I wanted to learn to play guitar. My mom had a very old guitar laying around from Mexico, and my parents told me if you practice every day for a month we will get you a guitar and lessons. They thought there was no way I would play consistently for a month by myself with a learn guitar DVD set. I remember thinking, that's easy, I can do that. To this day my dedication, drive, and ability to delay gratification and never give up has been one of my greatest strengths.

I love coaching all types of people. I'm inspired by anyone who shows up consistently and is willing to put in the work. Apart from that, I particularly love coaching women. Many women are intimidated by barbells and training with weights and I love empowering them and teaching them to move safely and efficiently. Seeing the confidence and self-respect people develop by consistently training is an amazing thing.


CrossFit Level 1 and Level 2 Certification

Personal Bests

Squat: 240

Deadlift: 285

Bench: 135

C&J: 155

15 unbroken strict pull ups

6:45 1 mile

23:56 5k