Coach Jim
Jim A
In my younger years, I was an active kid- playing sports, exploring outdoors and seeking out harmless mischief of one kind or another. Through my elementary years, I played soccer, at a competitive level, and loved it. It was challenging, exhilarating and moreover it was fun. When I hit middle school, though, that changed. The coaching became over-the-top and my peers suddenly seemed absurdly cutthroat. So, I turned to my other passion, music, and left athletics behind. It was the eighties and playing AD/DC, Van Halen, and Scorpions songs at dangerously high volume on guitar brought back the fun and exhilaration I loved. Yet, the lifestyle that came with it was neither healthy nor sustainable.
After college, and a couple master’s degrees later, I wanted to get back in shape and challenge myself. My membership at various drop-in gyms around the valley, though, left me in a rut- bored and only slightly fitter than when I began. Then, ten years ago I stumbled into CrossFit and have been hooked ever since.
In CrossFit, we as athletes make tremendous gains in strength, speed, agility and overall fitness because the coaching and programming pushes us beyond what we’ve done before and into the margin between what we thought we couldn’t do and what is truly beyond our current abilities. This is the magic of what we do.
Now in my mid-50s, it's been important to find an atmosphere that pushes me beyond my comfort zone, and close to my limits, but without risking injury and the setbacks that come with it. Evolved CrossFit and its member community provide this for me. As a coach, I now seek this same balance for the athletes I work with and appreciate that the relatively small size of our gym community allows me to know each member well enough to get this balance right.
CrossFit Level 1 Certification
Personal Bests
Deadlift: 315
Bench: 210
Clean & Jerk: 155
Snatch: 122.5
Handstand Pushups: 16 unbroken
5K: extraordinarily slow
Bear Crawl: extraordinarily fast