Coach Molly P
Molly P
During the COVID shutdown, I had just discovered my passion for CrossFit and functional fitness. I would lead workouts by the water every morning at 9:00 AM for my staff. Two girls came almost every single day. Their gains, physically and mentally, were amazing. This is when I realized I needed to coach others professionally.
My favorite people to coach are newbies as well as the serious athlete. I love working with people beginning their fitness journey and new to CrossFit. I love helping these athletes achieve a more fulfilling and healthy life. On the flip side, I enjoy working with athletes who have been in the game for a while or have great body awareness, which makes coaching fun. With minimal coaching on lifts, I can narrow my scope and focus on the technical aspects.
CrossFit Level 1 Certification
Personal Bests
OH Squat: 150
Deadlift: 145
Bench: 155
Clean: 125
Snatch: 90